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The 5 Best Essential Oils for Vertigo and Natural Care that Provides Hope


Essentials Oils For Dizziness

If you are suffering from vertigo, then you know all too well the spinning feeling that is often the way this vestibular issue manifests itself. Many who suffer from this extremely common ailment are looking for drug-free ways to keep it under control. Today, we are going to discuss two ways: essential oils and upper cervical care for dizziness.

First, let’s look at the top 5 essential oils for vertigo patients. Then we will consider how upper cervical care is providing evidence-based hope for many vertigo sufferers.


Thyme is an amazing herb with great medicinal properties. In fact, one study found that it was better for menstrual cramping that ibuprofen. Of course, pain and dizziness are two different symptoms, but many people treat thyme oil as a sort of cure-all. You can try diffusing the oil or drinking tea made from thyme for your dizziness.


If your vertigo is related to a cold or flu the menthol in peppermint oil may help. Peppermint is also supposed to help with blood flow, and reduced blood flow can play a key role in both central and peripheral vertigo types. Peppermint may be one of the best essential oils for vertigo.


One of the side effects of serious vertigo can be nausea and even vomiting. This makes lemon an important essential oil for dizziness. In a 2014 study, inhaling lemon oil helped pregnant women with morning sickness. Using a diffuser to keep lemon oil in the air may thus provide some relief if vertigo strikes unexpectedly and severely.


Lavender can be particularly beneficial for vertigo patients if stress is a major trigger for you. Lavender is well-known for being a calming scent. This may be another essential oil to have on-hand, perhaps to even prevent an attack. The calming scent may help you manage your anxiety before an episode of vertigo strikes.


This isn’t a very common oil, but it can certainly be beneficial for a number of ailments. Taken more often as a tea, ginger can often relieve nausea when inhaled, but also has numerous benefits when ingested. You can store fresh ginger root in the freezer and use it to make a natural tea when the need arises. Don’t forget to breathe the vapors to make this an effective essential oil for vertigo or dizziness.

essential oils for vertigo

Something More Effective Than Oils

While essential oils do a lot of good for many people, the jury is still out on just how effective they are for vertigo patients. But we also want to introduce you to a form of care that has had an extremely high success rate in case studies for vertigo and dizziness – upper cervical care.

Evidence Regarding Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and Vertigo

One very telling study involved 60 vertigo patients who underwent upper cervical care. In the end, 48 of the 60 patients (80%) saw a complete end to vertigo. The other 12 patients also saw significant benefits with bouts becoming less frequent and severe. Something important to note about this study is that all of the patients had an upper cervical misalignment and 56 of the 60 patients could remember a specific head or neck trauma that may have been the cause of the misalignment.

Whiplash frequently goes undiagnosed. An accident may be considered minor such as a fender bender or a slip and fall. But the consequences are major. However, an upper cervical misalignment does not require a lot of force, and these misalignments can lie in wait, gradually causing health problems. That injury you ignored or thought was healed a decade ago could still be causing you trouble in the form of vertigo, dizzinessmigrainesheadaches, and other symptoms.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Works

The practitioner will take a detailed patient history, including accidents or injuries you may have suffered in the past. The upper neck will be evaluated with precise 3-dimensional x-rays. If a misalignment is found, you may have just discovered the underlying cause of your vertigo or dizziness. Next, a correction will be tailored to your specific location and degree of misalignment.

One thing that sets upper cervical chiropractic apart is that adjustments are always gentle. Low force corrections hold longer and are more comfortable for the patient. The longer the adjustments hold, the fewer appointments you need. That can also be a money saver, which is always a plus when dealing with a chronic health problem.

Once these bones are back in place, most patients experience noticeable results. The central nervous system can function optimally. Blood flow to the brain is improved. You may see a reduction in or end to vertigo as the patients in the case study noted above did. You may also notice other health conditions begin to improve.

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