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Genetics, Alcohol, and Other Underlying Causes of Headaches


Headache and Migraine Triggers

Chronic and recurring headaches can suck the joy out of your life and negatively impact everyone around you. It can cause you to miss out on family vacations, gatherings, client proposals, school projects, and other kinds of events that matter to you.  To make things worse, finding a sustainable source of headache or migraine relief in Orem can come with a few hiccups if you have pre-existing health conditions or additional risk factors such as migraines, family history, and alcohol intake. Let’s take a closer look at the usual headache and migraine triggers below.

1. Migraine

Migraine is a complex neurological disease that triggers throbbing headaches, nausea, tunnel vision, and other symptoms. Patients who experience migraine-related headaches describe their pain as pulsing or pounding and limited on only one side of the head.  Doctors and researchers categorize migraine under primary headache, denoting that it doesn’t stem from another medical condition. It can happen up to 15 or more each month, depending on a patient’s risk factors.  Thousands of patients look for migraine relief in Orem to manage their episodes better and minimize the impact of the symptoms.

2. Genetics

According to research, headaches and migraines can be hereditary. So, if one or two of your family members experience frequent migraine attacks, you also have a high probability of having the same health problem.

3. Sinus Congestion

Headache is one of the most frequently reported symptoms of sinus congestion. When your sinuses swell due to an infection or allergic reaction, the pressure inside your head also increases, making you more susceptible to headaches.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines and other headaches, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

4. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol intake can lead to serious health repercussions such as severe and more frequent headaches. Here are some of the usual adverse effects of drinking too much alcohol:

  • Alcohol can impact your kidney – Binge drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to increased dehydration. It also affects our kidney function, making them less efficient in filtering wastes from your blood.
  • Alcohol also can elevate your blood pressure – Unfortunately, when your blood pressure spikes, you can potentially develop a bad headache that can last for a few minutes to several hours.
  • Alcohol affects serotonin release  Alcoholic beverages can increase the release of serotonin in the blood. That’s why many people who drink alcohol feel happier than usual. However, prolonged alcohol intake can lead to a drastic drop in serotonin levels, increasing one’s pain sensitivity and vulnerability to stress, frustration, and anxiety.

5. Strong Odors

Believe it or not, a strong odor plays a massive role in developing migraines and headaches. When you’re sensitive to strong scents and fragrances, you might experience nasal irritation, which can trigger allergy-like symptoms such as headaches and runny noses.  Strong odors can also cause the blood vessels to swell. The swelling can stimulate the nerves associated with the onset of terrible headaches.

6. Unhealthy Sleep Patterns

Unhealthy sleep patterns cause the development of migraines and headaches in some people. If you don’t get enough sleep or sleep for too long, you may wake up with a heavy throbbing in your head. To prevent that from happening, you can do the following:

  • Always aim for at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Sleep on your bed and not on the couch.
  • Go to bed when your brain tells you that you’re sleepy and avoid distractions like TV or your mobile device.
  • Avoid doing rigorous activities before heading to sleep.
  • Keep your afternoon or morning naps short.
  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Limit your caffeine consumption as it may interfere with your sleep pattern.

7. Emotional Stress

Headaches and migraines are more likely to occur when you are under a lot of stress. Studies have yet to fully explain the exact role of emotional stress in the onset of headaches. However, many people note worse attacks when they feel emotionally or mentally burnt out.   Some researchers theorize that it might have something to do with the stress hormones, which can trigger inflammation, blood vessel constriction, and sudden surge of blood in various organs such as the brain.

8. Head and Neck Trauma

Head and neck injuries can potentially become the root cause of your headaches and migraines. According to case studies on natural migraine relief in Orem, many people who suffer from recurring migraine attacks have a history of neck and head trauma. Unfortunately, even after the damaged tissues heal, the spinal bones, like the C1 and C2, fail to back to their original position.  This, in effect, impedes the normal flow of signals to the brain, triggering headaches and migraines attacks. Until the bones go back to their normal position, the symptoms will linger and cause severe impacts on your daily life.

Addressing the Underlying Causes of Migraines and Headaches

We hope that our discussion above helped you understand that headaches, especially chronic and recurring ones, rarely happen for no reason. If you notice increased severity or frequency of your headaches and previously sustained neck or head injury, we suggest scheduling your appointment with Dr. Beadle, our certified upper cervical chiropractic doctor.   At Sound Corrections Chiropractic, we offer effective migraine relief in Orem. To do that, we assess the alignment of the C1 and C2 bones and determine how many adjustments or sessions you might need to restore your spine’s natural curvature.  Once you start receiving the upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, you will notice changes in your symptoms and the severity of your migraines or headaches.

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